Rehabilitación de piscinas

The system we use guarantees complete watertightness, even if potential geological shifts cause more cracks in the pool wall in the future.


We use a luxury product: Alkorplan 3000, the reinforced membrane par excellence, which:


. Waterproofs and decorates

. Can adapt to any shape

. Needs no maintenance

. Cleaning system, almost work free

. Fast installation

. 10 year guarantee

. Formula which avoids incrustation from dirt

. Full range of designs and colours

At DRESSING POOLS we are not only concerned about swimming pools, but also their perimeters, their contours, their surroundings, if you are too, please click here


We carry out professional, high quality work on pools in private homes, hotels, communities, sports clubs, public establishments… We are approved distributors and installers for RENOLIT – ALKORPLAN.

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